Gereja-Gereja Jepang Sampaikan Simpati kepada Gereja di Indonesia

Pernyataan simpati gereja-gereja di jepang

BPMS GKI mendapat email dari Persekutuan Gereja-gereja di Jepang yang isinya menyatakan rasa simpati mereka terhadap apa yang terjadi pada gereja-gerja di Indonesia, berikut isinya:

Dear Pdt. Royandi Tanudjaja and Pdt. Arliyanus Larosa

The National Christian Council in Japan has been deeply shocked and saddened by the news of bombing attack in your church community. In order to show our concern to the incidents, to express our deepest condolences, and to show our solidarity as a Christian community, we have issued a statement. We re sincerely hoping this statement would reach the heart of those who have been affected by the incidents.

Yours in Christ,

Yoshi Fujimori, on behalf of 

Rev. Dr. KIM Sungjae, General Secretary

National Christian Council in Japan

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